
     Jens Luithle

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iColon 1.5 is currently under construction and will (hopefully) sport compatibility with Mac OS X 10.5 and feature additional icons.

Attention! DO NOT install iColon 1.4 on Leopard (10.5.x)! It propably won't cause any harm, but in addition won't sport any benefits.


iColon Version 1.4

Download iColon 1.4



 screenshot a   screenshot b


Product Description:

iColon is a patch that will replace the grey an black icons used to display the Airport, Battery and Bluetooth status in the menu bar. You can select which of them will be installed - or restored to the original ones.

Product Requirements:

Mac OS X 10.3 and 10.4 both PPC and Intel Version

What's new in this version:

fixed all bugs that changed the permissions of the affected files and folders. optimized the size of the bundle.


See iColons user ratings on versiontracker


If you like iColon, please donate! So far iColon was downloaded over 18.000 times! Even if only 1% would donate only one dollar each... you get it ;-).


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